Saturday, February 6, 2010

Duties after Mass

The Wine & Water Cruets:

• Water and wine cruets when the wine cruet did not contain the Blood of Jesus:
o Remove cruets from credence table.
o Pour unused wine back into bottle.
o Rinse wine and wine cruets with clean water.
o Place wine and water cruets on drainer.
• Wine cruets when the wine cruet contains the Blood of Jesus:
o Remove the cruets from credence table.
o Set the wine cruet on the special locked sink in the sacristy for the priest or deacon to purify. Do not rinse out the wine cruet if it contains the Precious Blood of Jesus.

The Chalice:

• Remove the Chalice and Ciboria from the Credence Table. Also remove any other cups used in the distribution of the Precious Blood of Jesus during the Mass.
• Place all used Purificators in the special linen bag reserved for their keeping.
• Return Chalice Veil to drawer.
• Place Corporal and Burse in the drawer.
• Place Chalice and gold Paten in their proper places.
• Place linen covered Pall in the drawer.
• Place Chalice and Ciboria in their proper places.
• Place any cups used in the distribution of the Precious Blood on the sink specially reserved for the purification of Holy Objects. The priest or deacon will take care of these.

Note: When they are not available, you should be sure that nothing from these cups gets into a regular sink. Only the special sink (with locking cover) is specially set aside for this purpose.

The Bowl, plate and towel:

• Remove bowl, towel, and dish from credence table.
• Dry bowl with towel.
• Place towel in linen bag.
• Place bowl and dish in proper places.

The Candles:

Extinguish the candles by using the proper tool. Do not smash the wicks. If you use your fingers instead of the tools provided, look like you feel no pain. It is distracting to see servers acting scared of a little candle.
General Closing Duties:

• Return the intention book to the front door of the Church. Clean up any mess you made.
• Pick up the lectionary (book of readings) from the Sanctuary and place it closed on the pulpit.
• Remove all notes and papers from the sanctuary and Pulpit and place them on the preparation table in the Sacristy.
• Quickly and quietly take off your cincture and alb. Place it neatly on a hanger (in the Altar Server closet).

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