Saturday, February 6, 2010

St. Thomas Aquinas, "Adoro te devote"

"Godhead here in hiding, whom I do adore
Masked by these bare shadows, shapes and nothing more,
See, Lord, at thy service low lies here a heart
Lost, all lost in wonder at the God thou art.
Seeing, touching, tasting are in thee deceived;
How says trusty hearing? That shall be believed;
What God's Son has told me, take for truth I do;
Truth himself speaks truly or there's nothing true."

Duties after Mass

The Wine & Water Cruets:

• Water and wine cruets when the wine cruet did not contain the Blood of Jesus:
o Remove cruets from credence table.
o Pour unused wine back into bottle.
o Rinse wine and wine cruets with clean water.
o Place wine and water cruets on drainer.
• Wine cruets when the wine cruet contains the Blood of Jesus:
o Remove the cruets from credence table.
o Set the wine cruet on the special locked sink in the sacristy for the priest or deacon to purify. Do not rinse out the wine cruet if it contains the Precious Blood of Jesus.

The Chalice:

• Remove the Chalice and Ciboria from the Credence Table. Also remove any other cups used in the distribution of the Precious Blood of Jesus during the Mass.
• Place all used Purificators in the special linen bag reserved for their keeping.
• Return Chalice Veil to drawer.
• Place Corporal and Burse in the drawer.
• Place Chalice and gold Paten in their proper places.
• Place linen covered Pall in the drawer.
• Place Chalice and Ciboria in their proper places.
• Place any cups used in the distribution of the Precious Blood on the sink specially reserved for the purification of Holy Objects. The priest or deacon will take care of these.

Note: When they are not available, you should be sure that nothing from these cups gets into a regular sink. Only the special sink (with locking cover) is specially set aside for this purpose.

The Bowl, plate and towel:

• Remove bowl, towel, and dish from credence table.
• Dry bowl with towel.
• Place towel in linen bag.
• Place bowl and dish in proper places.

The Candles:

Extinguish the candles by using the proper tool. Do not smash the wicks. If you use your fingers instead of the tools provided, look like you feel no pain. It is distracting to see servers acting scared of a little candle.
General Closing Duties:

• Return the intention book to the front door of the Church. Clean up any mess you made.
• Pick up the lectionary (book of readings) from the Sanctuary and place it closed on the pulpit.
• Remove all notes and papers from the sanctuary and Pulpit and place them on the preparation table in the Sacristy.
• Quickly and quietly take off your cincture and alb. Place it neatly on a hanger (in the Altar Server closet).

Order of the Mass

Entrance Procession:

Wait for the priest at the entrance where the Entrance Procession is to begin. Sometimes the usher will close the front doors and clear the center isle for you. When signaled to go, the cross-bearer and the candle-bearers will proceed into the isle and wait for the priest. The cross-bearer should stand at the third pew from the back with the two candle bearers one pew behind him. If more servers are present, they should line up behind the candle bearers. Servers should wait in these positions for the start of the entrance hymn. At the start of the entrance hymn, the servers will lead the entrance procession to the Altar.

After entering the Sanctuary, the cross-bearer will face the altar, bow, and move to the cross-bearer Mass position. Following the cross-bearer, the candle-bearers will enter the Sanctuary and will also bow to the Altar and then proceed to place their candles in their Mass places and then go to their Mass positions. The cross-bearer will place the processional cross in the stand. All servers will then genuflect to the tabernacle (at their assigned positions) when the priest (and deacon) genuflect.

Opening Prayers:

During the Glory to God in the Highest (Lord have mercy . during lent), the server behind the priest's chair (server number three) will pick up the sacramentary and wait for the priest to say, Let us pray.

When the priest says, Let us pray, server three will proceed directly in front of the priest. Server three will then give the priest the sacramentary. The priest will then open the book and give it to server three to hold. Hold the sacramentary at the height that the priest hands it to you. Keep the pages flat, and do not move about while the priest is reading.

When the priest is finished, close the sacramentary and return it to its place. Sit down in your chair for the first readings.

The Alleluia:

At the end of the second reading, during the Alleluia, servers two and three should get up and walk to the procession candles on the Altar Steps. Servers two and three should genuflect to the tabernacle and then pick up their candles. They should stand facing the Altar with their candles and wait for the priest or deacon.

The Gospel:

Servers two and three should then bow to the Altar with the priest or deacon and then proceed to the gospel stations at either side of the podium when the priest or deacon move to the podium. The other servers should stand at their normal positions when the people and stand.

Servers two and three should stand at the gospel positions. The servers holding the candles should face the reader during the Gospel. All servers should pay very close attention to the words of Jesus in the gospel and face the reader to demonstrate to the people how they are paying attention.. The arm that is holding the upper part of the candle should point toward the people.

Maintain these positions during the gospel and then return the candles to altar step again when the Gospel is over, Genuflect to the tabernacle, and return to your seats. Sit down and listen to the homily.

The Collection:

All servers sit with the people during the collection. Candle-bearers, during the last collection, when the ushers are about half of the way down the middle aisle, will stand up and proceed to their candles and then genuflect to the tabernacle in unison. After genuflecting, they should pick up the candles and proceed to the back of the church.

When the ushers have the procession ready, turn toward the altar and lead the gift procession to the priest. Do not wait for the priest to tell you to move. Start as soon as you are ready. It is always better to be ready than caught off guard. The cross bearer (server #1) and the optional server (server #4) should stand when the priest and deacon stand and follow them to receive the gifts. Servers should wait at the left side, and behind, the priest. Server one should take the water and wine cruets from the priest and place them on the credence table. If there is no deacon. Take the gold paten with the unconsecrated hosts first, then the cruets. The optional server(s) can take whatever the priest or deacon hands them.

The candle-bearers should walk together (starting on your left foot) toward the sanctuary. Never carry anything but your candle! When you reach the sanctuary, pass around the priest and deacon and proceed to the front of the altar. Set down your candles and genuflect to the tabernacle and move to positions where they can help the priest and deacon accept the gifts.

Servers should take the intention book and place it on the lower shelf of the credence table. Never set it on the Altar. The priest will take the collection basket and place it in front of the altar or another appointed place.

Preparation of the Gifts:

Server one should remove the tops from the wine and water cruets and give them to servers two (wine) and three (water). With server two having the open wine cruet and server three having the water cruet, they should stand with their toes touching the Altar step and wait.

Server two and three should hand the deacon or priest the wine or water as directed. Stand together until the deacon or priest is finished. If it is the priest who takes the wine and water, bow together to the priest when he is finished and returns the cruets to them (never bow to the deacon). Return to the credence table with the water cruet where server number one should give server two an unfolded finger towel and server three the washing bowel.

Server one should then stand ready to assist the younger servers if the need arises.
Servers two and three should return to the altar step and stand there with your toes touching the step. When the priest comes to you, server three should hold out the bowl. Server three should then pour the water over the priest's hands, collecting the water in the bowl until the priest signals the server to stop pouring. Server two will then hand the towel to the priest. When server three has the towel back, both servers should bow to the priest and return to the credence table. Server number one should then neatly arrange the cruets, towel, and bowl on the table.
No server is to sit down. They are to return to the altar and stand. Remain standing there until all kneel. Server number one should stay in this position until after all are kneeling.

The Eucharistic Prayer:

All servers return to there normal positions and kneel on the Altar Step.

The Altar Bells

The bells will be rung at three separate times during the Consecration:


• When the priest holds his hands over the gifts of wine and water and says:
Eucharistic Prayer No 1: "Bless and approve . . . Let it become for us the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, your only Son, our Lord."
Eucharistic Prayer No 2: "Let your Spirit come upon these gifts to make them holy, so that they may become the Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Eucharistic Prayer No 3: "We ask you to make them holy by the Power of Your Spirit, that they may become the Body and Blood of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ."
Eucharistic Prayer No 4: "Father, may this Holy Spirit sanctify these offerings. Let them become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ our Lord. . . .

• The server should ring the bell again (three distinct rings; one for the Father, one for the Son, and one for the Holy Spirit) during the elevation of the Body of Jesus Christ our God.

• The server should ring the bell for the last time (three distinct rings as before) during the elevation of the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Because these are solemn times, (the bread and wine we offered just before has now become the real BODY and BLOOD of Our God, Jesus Christ) ring the bells reverently. At the two elevations, the bells are to be shaken three distinct times in honor for the Holy Trinity: Once for the Father, Once for the Son, and Once for the Holy Spirit.

The Closing Prayers:

Server number two should assist the priest or deacon in removing all objects from the Altar after the purification of the chalice, paten, and ciborium(s). If any chalice, paten or ciborium which has held the Eucharistic Bread and/or Wine has not been purified by the priest or deacon for some reason it must be handled in a very reverent manner since the Real Body of Jesus Christ is still present in them. Even after these items have been purified, they must still be held in reverence because of the sacramental use of these items during the Consecration.

All servers are to sit until the priest says: "Let us pray" then server three will proceed directly in front of the priest and give the priest the sacramentary. The priest will then open the book and give it to server three to hold. Hold the sacramentary at the height that the priest hands it to you. Keep the pages flat, and do not move about while the priest is reading. When the priest is finished, close the sacramentary and return it to the stand behind the deacon's chair.

Note: Some times the priest will say the final prayer from the Altar and the book will not be needed.

All servers should then be standing in front of their chairs and follow along with the people.

The Exit Procession:

When the priest and deacon are kissing the altar, servers two and three should proceeded to the front of the Altar, genuflect to the tabernacle, pick up the candles, and return to their standard positions. Cross-bearer should pick up the processional cross. When the priest and deacon have walked around to the center of the altar the servers should take up their final procession positions. When the priest and deacon genuflect, all servers bow to altar. All servers then turn and proceed quickly down the center aisle. Extinguish candles in rear of the church and get back to the sacristy as quickly as possible.

Order of Preparation

Arrival for Mass

Every Altar Server should perform these tasks when scheduled to serve at Mass.

• Servers must arrive 15 minutes early for every Mass they are scheduled to serve at.
• Quietly put on your alb and cincture in space designated for the Altar Servers to dress in.
• At ten minutes to Mass time light one alter candle in the sanctuary if all scheduled Altar Servers are not yet present. This will be a sign to anyone in the main body of the church to come forward and volunteer to replace the missing server(s).

Preparation for Mass:

Wine & water:

• Rinse wine and wine cruets with clean water and allow to drip dry for a few seconds.
• Fill the wine cruet with the wine bottle. Depending on parish needs more than one wine cruet may be required. The priest or deacon can inform you about any unusual needs.
• Fill the other cruet with cold fresh water from the cooler, tap or bottled water container.
• Place wine and water cruets on the offertory gift table in the designated spot near the front entrance of the church or where ever designated by the priest.


• Remove the gold paten from where it is stored.
• Arrange about 25 small unconsecrated hosts and one large unconsecrated host neatly on the gold paten.
• Place gold paten and unconsecrated hosts on the offertory gift table with the wine and water cruets.
• The priest or deacon will tell you if further ciborium and hosts will be required for the Mass. If they are place them on the Credence Table in the Sanctuary.


• Get a clean Purificator from the Purificator drawer of the Preparation Table in the sacristy.
• Open the first fold and drape it over the Chalice so the cross on the Purificator is in the center of the Chalice and aligned with the cross at the base of the Chalice.
• Remove the linen covered plastic Pall from the drawer and place it on the chalice over the Purificator.
• Check the small book on the preparation table for the proper vestment color or ask the priest or deacon.
• Get the proper color Chalice Veil and Burse from the drawer in the preparation table.
• Cover the Chalice with the Veil.
• Make sure there is a Corporal in the Burse. If there is none then get one form the Purificator drawer and place it into the Burse.
• Place the Burse, containing the Corporal, on the top of the Chalice.
• Place the prepared Chalice on the Credence Table in the Sanctuary.
• Arrange the Chalice on the Credence Table so the Chalice Veil is neat and square with the table. The veil should hide the Chalice from the view of the people.

Bowl, plate and towel:

• Remove the washing bowl from its storage spot and clean it if required.
• Get a clean, fresh towel from the towel drawer in the preparation table. Place the bowl, and towel on the Credence Table.


• At ten minutes to mass time light one candle (the one near the sacramentary) if all Altar Servers are not present. If all scheduled servers are present or some servers attending the Mass volunteer to replace the late scheduled servers, light all the candles.
• After lighting the candles, extinguish the lighter. When using a taper candle lighter the taper is to be extinguished by pulling the taper into the lighter for a few seconds. After the taper is out, immediately push the taper back out of the lighter body to keep it from sticking inside the lighter.
Note: If the taper is stuck when you go to use the lighter, the taper can be freed by heating the lighter tip with matches until the wax holding the taper melts. Be careful when working with wax and flames.

General Instructions:

• Get the sacramentary for the opening prayer from it place in the sanctuary.
• Check with the priest or deacon to make sure that the place marker is in the pages for the day's Mass.
• Return the sacramentary to the its storage location in the Sanctuary for use at the opening and closing prayers of the Mass.
• Ask the priest or your parents how many collections there will be and then tell the other servers.
• Server Number One, The Cross Bearer, is the group leader and should check to see that all the preparations have been properly carried out by the other servers.
• At five minutes to Mass time, Server Number One should lead the group in the Altar Servers' Prayer.
• A four minutes to Mass time light the altar and tabernacle candles for Mass.
• At three minutes to Mass time move to the front doors to wait for the ushers to prepare for the procession.

Responsibilities of Altar Servers

The Altar Server must comply with all the following rules to continue to serve at The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
• Attend Holy Mass on every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation when physically possible.
• Cultivate a personal prayer life within the Church. The acts of faith, hope, and charity enjoined by the first commandment are accomplished in prayer. Lifting up the mind toward God is an expression of our adoration of God: prayer of praise and thanksgiving, intercession and petition. Prayer is an indispensable condition of being able to obey God's commandments.
• Altar Servers are not to leave the sanctuary after the start of the Mass for any reason except bathroom emergencies, illness, or when directed to do so by the deacon or priest. There are no other exceptions. If you think that there is another good reason, ask the priest or deacon before leaving the sanctuary. Thirst is never a good reason.
• Attend all Altar Server prayer and scheduling meeting as announced. Failure to attend without sufficient reason will result in being removed from the Altar Server list.
• Serve at every Mass they are scheduled for. When you fail to serve at a Mass without sufficient cause you are denying the whole parish of one member of the team. See on how to arrange for a substitute when you know in advance of a scheduling conflict.
• Arrive at the Mass to be served at least ten minutes before the starting time to prepare for the Celebration of the Most Holy Eucharist.
• Perform the duties assigned during the Mass in the prescribed orderly manner. Never trade positions with other servers without the permission of the server director, priest or deacon.
• Maintain a prayerful posture during at all times in the Sacristy. See the posture requirements at end of this manual
• Stay for at least ten minutes after the Mass to return the Sanctuary, Sacristy, and preparation areas to a neat and orderly appearance.
• Call the rectory office whenever you server cannot make a scheduled prayer meeting.
• Make your own arrangements for another Altar Server to take your place when you will miss a Mass you are scheduled to serve. Do not call the rectory if you cannot make the Mass, you must find your own substitute. This requirement is not in effect in the case of sudden illness or family emergencies but is to be adhered to for sporting events, family scheduled events, and school events.

Requirements for Altar Servers Candidates

• A strong desire to serve at the Altar of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
• Be an active member of the parish community and believe in the teachings of The Holy Catholic Church.
• Have already made their First Holy Communion. Know all the prayers of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from memory.
• Know how to properly genuflect.
• Know how to make the sign of the Cross.
• Know how to receive Holy Communion in the approved manner.
• Know the Real Presence of Jesus the Christ begins at the moment of the consecration and endures as long as the Eucharistic species subsists.
Many parishes have Altar Servers start as young as seven years old and some of these continue serving well into their seventies. All people of good faith are welcome and those who think they may desire to sever are encouraged to do so. All that is required is a desire to serve at the Altar of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Saint Thomas said, "The celebration of the Holy Mass is as valuable as the death of Jesus on the Cross." Padre Pio said, "It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the Holy Mass." What a honor to serve our Lord at this most praiseworthy gift of love.